The Global AI Robot Contest (referred to as: GAR) is initiated and hosted by the Global Artificial Intelligence Robot Association. It is an innovative and practical activity of artificial intelligence robots for young people aged 5-18 around the world. It is a global youth science and technology carnival with a wide range of influence and appeal. The competition items include Intelligent Innovation Challenge, Innovation Competition, Popularity Competition, and Robot Popularization Competition. The contest provides a platform for global youth to conduct communication and evaluation, therefore, offering direction guidance for the cultivation of global youth innovation ability. Meanwhile, the platform provides a valuable reference for the country, society, and schools to select high-quality and innovative talents.
Competition system

GAR Global finals

GAR International open competition

GAR National League/ Regional League

GAR Provincial Challenge Competition

GAR Municipal / School Level Trials

GAR Artificial Intelligence
Popularization Competition

Mars Immigration Program
New themes of the 2021 season

Through artificial intelligence robot technology and platform, the simulation aims to realize the millennium plan of human migration to Mars. Contestants are required to use artificial intelligence robot kits such as controllers, drivers, sensors and structural kits to complete a number of challenges in a team manner, inspiring young people to learn about artificial intelligence and motivate their Interests in technology learning and exploration.

GAR Artificial Intelligence
Innovation Challenge Competition

Mars Immigration Program
New themes of the 2021 season

The GAR Artificial Intelligence Innovation Challenge Competition requires the participating teams to complete a number of engineering challenges in a team manner. It mainly examines the comprehensive abilities of students in robot assembly, programming, debugging, and operation, besides, it also can test young people’s understanding and mastery of artificial intelligence technology.


Provide a communication evaluation platform and direction guidance for the cultivation of global youth innovation ability
Provide a valuable reference for the country, society, and schools to select high-quality and innovative talents


Become a scientific and technological event with wide-ranging global influence
Become an innovative education platform with important educational value